meditation & creation

About Meditation Opportunities at Our Studio

Developing a personal meditation practice will change your life in countless ways. Every single class and event at the studio includes meditation, because caring for our minds is that important to me and the underlying thread of what you know of as yoga, really is intended to be used for!

For those who would like to reap the benefits of meditation, instruction in this area will help you grow foundational skills in mindfulness meditation that you can instill into your personal life.

The foundations of basic mindfulness meditation, promote increased focus, improved energy flow, stress reduction and tools for intuitive development and clarity.

I am very excited to offer a new version of our meditation circle this year, with more time to be involved in the creative processes that will be supported by meditation & being in circle. Whether have experience with creativity and meditation or consider yourself a beginner, there will be a place for you to grow and expand in this circle.

The creative processes of movement or healing work involved at our studio, may seem “vast” but all encounters improve the ability to clear your energy field and increase your success in relaxing for greater depth of intuition and success stilling the mind. (These are all designed and prove to be pretty effective combos!). I hope that your schedule will allow for you to come visit the studio, join a class or begin meditation at home; it will truly change your experience of living well!

♾️ Yours, Nadine


See your visions become reality…

Book a Private Session

Private sessions are available for Mediation or combined with yoga or energy healing. If you’d like to combine yours with another healing experience , as a private client or small group, see more options on the page titled “healing”.

Private Sessions are a great chance to become acclimated to the studio, before taking a group class or to dive deeper into your personal interests and needs.

Private sessions are available on:

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am - 6pm

  • Monday & Wednesday Evening Sessions Available.

  • Other Times: As per request



2 (1 hour sessions) $108

Small Groups: Starting at $108

Walk the Labyrinth:

The forest labyrinth and meditation grounds were designed as a sacred space of which I believe offer deep healing, grounding in nature, and a spiritual opportunity to encounter both the divine and inner wisdom.   The benefits of walking a labyrinth are vast and provide each individual a unique experience. Learn more on the page I designed dedicated to that space and then set up an appointment to explore; allowing 20 minutes minimum.

Getting Started with Meditation

This would be a good area of study to begin via a private session, if you’d really like support in making meditation a part of your daily life. I also understand that you might want to begin at home, and honor that need.

I have provided a great deal of FREE information here to get you started. This is not in any way as rich as meeting in person, but will provide some tools to begin.

Free Tip: Begin with a timer. Each morning wake up and set a timer for 2 minutes. Try to not do anything else. Just wake up, use the restroom if needed, then sit and meditate. Just two minutes. Sit. Stay. Listen. Repeat. Every day for a week, repeat this process. If you miss a day, no worries! Just begin again. If you don’t like mornings, no worries, just pick another time that you can be consistent. Set a reminder on your phone or a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, and just show up! Sit. Stay. Repeat. Training your mind, is just like training a puppy! Laugh when you are restless and be gentle.

The insight timer app is a tool I always recommend, which has guided meditations as well as a timer feature to use, which can be a great motivation for many of us. To support your journey of meditation near or far from the studio, you can find my teacher page under: Nadine Westover.